
Sansevieria Plant


sansevieria in a ceramic pot on gold stand

this stylish plant commonly known as mother-in-laws tongue Sansevierias do best in moderate to bright indirect light. However, they will do fine in low light areas and can also withstand full sun. Your Sansevieria does not need much water, and overwatering can cause the plant to rot. Be sure to keep the leaves dry when watering and allow the soil to dry in between waterings.

Filter indoor air, even at night

Similar to other household succulents, snake plants help to filter indoor air. What’s unique about this particular plant is that it’s one of the few plants that can convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into oxygen at night.

This quality makes it an ideal plant for bedroom decor as it can help regulate healthy airflow.

Remove toxic pollutants

Snake plants are also known for their ability to help remove toxic air pollutants. Though in small contributions, snake plants can absorb cancer-causing pollutants, including CO2, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.

With the ability to absorb and remove harmful toxins, snake plants can act as an effective defense against airborne allergies.

sansevieria in a ceramic pot on gold stand

this stylish plant commonly known as mother-in-laws tongue Sansevierias do best in moderate to bright indirect light. However, they will do fine in low light areas and can also withstand full sun. Your Sansevieria does not need much water, and overwatering can cause the plant to rot. Be sure to keep the leaves dry when watering and allow the soil to dry in between waterings.

Filter indoor air, even at night

Similar to other household succulents, snake plants help to filter indoor air. What’s unique about this particular plant is that it’s one of the few plants that can convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into oxygen at night.

This quality makes it an ideal plant for bedroom decor as it can help regulate healthy airflow.

Remove toxic pollutants

Snake plants are also known for their ability to help remove toxic air pollutants. Though in small contributions, snake plants can absorb cancer-causing pollutants, including CO2, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.

With the ability to absorb and remove harmful toxins, snake plants can act as an effective defense against airborne allergies.