
Lynda Bouquet

Ivory & Pale Pink Bouquet

The Signature Lynda Bouquet features A White Oriental Lily, Ivory 'Avalanche' Roses, Ivory Lisianthus, Pale Pink Germini And Daisy Santini With Lush Eucalptus And Palm Leaf.

Presented In Our Signature Gift Wrap And Presentation Box  

Flowers subject to availability , if purchased for same day delivery and flowers are unavailable we will substitute for something as close a likeness for same or greater value.

flowers pictured are in bud and will be delivered like so, ready to open at home. 

The Signature Lynda Bouquet features A White Oriental Lily, Ivory 'Avalanche' Roses, Ivory Lisianthus, Pale Pink Germini And Daisy Santini With Lush Eucalptus And Palm Leaf.

Presented In Our Signature Gift Wrap And Presentation Box  

Flowers subject to availability , if purchased for same day delivery and flowers are unavailable we will substitute for something as close a likeness for same or greater value.

flowers pictured are in bud and will be delivered like so, ready to open at home.